Kids Workshop x English #1 - バレンタインカードを作ろう!
Together, we will practice easy DIY paper marbling techniques to make unique cards for Valentine’s Day. We will learn new English vocabulary and art techniques.
The workshop will be in two parts. The first workshop will cover vocabulary, learning how to organize colors, and making our marbled paper. In the second workshop, we will decorate the card and write our message inside the card.
Learning Objectives
learn and practice new colors and shapes vocabulary
新しい色と形の語彙を学び、練習する。learn and practice organizing warm and cool colors
Part 1 - 02/4
10:00 am - ハローソングとあいさつ
10:05 am - ボキャブラリーリーディングと練習
10:15 am - 色と形のアクティビティ
10:25 am - 墨流しの準備
10:40 am - 形をカットする
10:45 am - 休憩(飲み物を用意します。)
10:50 am - 墨流し開始
11:25 am - 片付け
11:30 am - グッドバイの歌
Part 2 - 02/11